12/11/2008 04:22:00 PM

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Woohoo! TO Showing True Colors in Dallas



I love it! TO the sociopath is back. ESPN's Ed Werder wrote a long article about the dischord that's brewing in Dallas. You can read the full piece here.

As someone who's been through it before, I have no sympathy for the Cowboys. They knew what they were getting. Yes, one of the most talented players in NFL history, but also one of the biggest head cases this side of Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Keep going TO. Spread that cancer in Dallas as far and wide as you can. Don't stop until they release or suspend you. You're right! You do deserve the ball more, so do whatever you need to get what you want. Don't hold back. Attack everyone. Wine, pout, scream and shout. Dog it in practice. Bitch during the games. Call a meeting with the coach and GM. You are righteous and worthy.

Yes you can and Yes you should!
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